A 90-Year-Old Man Spent $10,000 On A Newspaper Ad To Tell AT&T Their Service Was Slow

A 90-year old Los Angeles resident has taken out two quarter-page newspaper ads to tell AT&T's CEO that his internet service is too slow. 

What? Were MySpace, YikYak, and Vine all down? He took his complaint to the newspaper, lol.

But listen, Aaron Epstein (tough last name these days) is not the hero that this country deserves; he is the hero this country needs. Because everyone and their mother feels this guys pain, but not everyone has $10,000 to let these companies know how shitty they are. Slow internet may be the single worst first-world problem to ever strike this planet. And then on top of that, calling an internet company may be the single biggest hassle of the modern universe. And apparently this guy tried to make that call over and over and over. Probably been on hold for a third of his life already. I'm suprised that at 90 years old, this was the course of action he chose to take. If I was 90 years old and had slow internet, I'd probably blow my brains out. He lists his hobbies as "streaming videos and watching television on the internet". If your service is slow, your hobbies at 90 years old need to be knitting and playing chess, not watching Netflix.

Let's get one thing straight though: this 90 year old man stays RIGHT ON BRAND. The old-timer took an ad out in the NEWSPAPER? Buddy I didn't even know those still existed. I thought you had to read the Wall Street Journal online these days. You're telling me there's still paper delivery boys? I thought that shit ended after Newsies got released on.....VHS. Newspapers are still around, lol. You learn something new every day.

Aaron Epstein spent $10,000 for the two ads to be featured in two separate editions of The Wall Street Journal on February 3 - despite friends and family urging him to use social media to get his message out.

That's the best part of this story. He's tossing around this F you money on a platform that hasn't been applicable since dinosaurs walked the earth. I mean, $10,000 in the 1800s, when newspapers were last relevant, is worth like a billion dollars today. But he chose to put it in print. Meanwhile, his friends and family were begging him to use social media but he wouldn't budge. I do have to give the man credit for this, even if he did it unintentionally. Because at any given moment on Twitter, you can search and find no less than a hundred complaints for any cable or internet company. Outages, running slow, and awful customer service. Those complaints are a dime a dozen. I see those every day and never bat an eye. But instead he chose the newspaper and now everyone is talking about it on social media and now it's getting blogged. Next level thinking?

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